Ep 23. Raef's Round Table: Throwing Clay


Raef interviews Cori local hobbyist in working with clay for pottery.  One of the goals of the Raef Granger Podcast is to introduce people to various hobbies that they might be interested in learning.  Sometimes there can be intimidation to start a hobby for lack of knowing how to begin or even what to ask to begin.  Raef is into miniature and board gaming to name a few and there are many more that others enjoy.  In addition to doing hobbies, Raef loves to chat hobbies with people and Cori agreed to share her love of working with clay and pottery.  We chat about the differences of using a potters wheel and hand shaping.  We talk about how to get started in the hobby and how to go about it at home, and other pottery related hobby stuff.  Enjoy.  To reach Cori.  cmcgrath@alandrealty.com.  To reach Raef.  raef@raefgranger.com