Episode 27: The Krissy and Raef Show

We’re back with another episode of The Krissy and Raef Show!

In this episode, we discuss spirituality, intuition, and energy. Krissy and I share some powerful experiences we’ve had and how they’ve shaped the way we see and show up in the world.

We hope you enjoy every minute of our intense discussion about life, but if you only take one insight from this episode, let it be this: “Live the dash.”

You’ll have to tune in to find out what that means!

Thanks for listening.

~Raef and Krissy

Episode 26: The Four-Day Work Week

We are not as important to our business as we think we are. In fact, in many cases, we might be in the way...

In this episode, I discuss the pros and cons of the four-day workweek and the logistics for successfully rolling that out. I also discuss implications for owners, employees, and clients. I believe it's possible to transition to a four-day work week and still be productive and thrive in your business. Listen to learn what you may be wasting time on and find out how to move to a four-day workweek effectively.

Thanks for listening!